Your profile is where you can go to edit any information that pertains to your individual Teamlinkt account. This is separate from league details and team details and only pertains to the information that belongs to the account/email you are logged in with.
This profile can allow you to access multiple teams/organizations/leagues etc. if you have been added to them with the email you are logged in with.
To Access Your Profile:
Click on your Profile Icon in the bottom left hand corner
Click on Account
From here you can update your personal information on your account and reset your password: Update Your Password | Teamlinkt Help Center
Also Available in the Profile area is:
Your Family(s), Family Members
Their past registrations, memberships, credits, contact information, family permissions and other details
Language Select
If you are viewing an organization/league account you can toggle to the Teams side of the system (similar to what exists in the app) to view information for any teams you belong to.