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Registration Form Settings
Registration Form Settings

Top level settings for your registration form

Zacharie Brown avatar
Written by Zacharie Brown
Updated over a week ago

Once you have completed the registration wizard, you will be brought to the Registration Overview page. There you can click Edit Form Settings and you will be brought to the Settings page for your registration form. This is where you will edit information that will propagate down to your registration groups. Below is a brief summary of each section


This is where you will edit the general information like the registration name, dates, registration methods. You can also set the point of contact for the form, this will be the person who appears as a contact in the registration confirmation emails


This is where you will be setting any information that the registrant is required to provide. As well, if you are collecting additional information regarding the association member (this information persists from season to season) you can enable those questions here. Finally you can attach any memberships that the registrants must purchase/have at the time of checkout.


This is where you will set any early bird/late fees for your registration form.

Then you can set whether the participant will be paying the transaction fees or if your organization will cover the transaction fees. As well you can configure your payment methods here which include:

  • Pay Now by Credit Card: The registrant will pay the full outstanding amount at the time of registration with their Debit/Credit card

  • Pay Later with Credit Card: The registrant will pay the full outstanding after they have successfully registered

  • Instalment Plans: The registrant can pay a small portion at the time of checkout, and the remaining amount will come out over multiple instalments defined by you.

  • Offline Payments: The registrant will complete the registration process and can use any method outside of using a credit card to pay the outstanding balance to the organization. Once paid, the league administrator will need to go in and mark an Offline Payment in the Participant Record

Policies and Notices

This tab is where you will be entering in your Pre-Registration notice, Terms and Conditions, Refund Policy, Post-Registration Notice. These will all be presented to the registrant either during registration, or in the confirmation email after they have completed registration


This is where you will configure which administrators should be notified of each registration. As well, you can also configure the messaging sent out to any prospects (those that started but did not complete the registration process)

Once you are satisfied with the registration form settings, you can navigate back to the overview page and check out your registration groups and validate those are configured correctly.

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