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Registration Group Settings
Registration Group Settings

Make edits to the settings of a registration group

Zacharie Brown avatar
Written by Zacharie Brown
Updated over a week ago

After you have configured and are satisfied with the registration form settings, you can click into each registration group and verify they are configured correctly. You can navigate to them by going to click Edit in the group you wish to verify from the Registration Overview page. Below is an overview of each section


This is where you will configure general information like the Group Name, Open and Close Dates and your participant limits. NOTE: The group participant limit differ from the Participant Limit in the Registration Form Settings. This group participant limit is the number of participants that can register for this specific group. The Participant Limit in the registration form settings is for a combination of the participants of all groups within the registration form.


This is where you can set required information the registrant must submit if they wish to complete registration. You can set restrictions on these requirements so that anyone who does not fall within the restrict cannot complete registration. As well, if you have any Association Member Additional Info questions created (information that persists between seasons) you can enable them here. Finally you can attach any additional Memberships or certificates you want the registrant to have at the time of completing their registration

Additionally, if you are having your registrants either create a team or join a team, you can set additional restrictions around how many members per team, how many teams and which teams the registrant can select from


These are custom questions that you define yourself for the registrant to answer. You can check out the Custom Questions help article for more information


This is where you can adjust the base fee for the registration group, add any early bird/late fees, additional fees, choose who pays the processing fee and select the payment methods:

  • Pay Now by Credit Card: The registrant will pay the full outstanding amount at the time of registration with their Debit/Credit card

  • Pay Later with Credit Card: The registrant will pay the full outstanding after they have successfully registered

  • Instalment Plans: The registrant can pay a small portion at the time of checkout, and the remaining amount will come out over multiple instalments defined by you.

  • Offline Payments: The registrant will complete the registration process and can use any method outside of using a credit card to pay the outstanding balance to the organization. Once paid, the league administrator will need to go in and mark an Offline Payment in the Participant Record


This is where you can set your discount codes for your registration group, or configure a family discount for families with multiple members registration for your organization

Policies and Notices

Here you can configure the Pre-Registration Notice, Terms and Conditions, Refund Policy, and Post-registration notice. This information will be presented to the registrant either during the registration process, or in the registration confirmation email after they have completed registration

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