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How to Upload a Document
Jay Maharaj avatar
Written by Jay Maharaj
Updated over a week ago

Have an important document to share with your team? You can now share it through TeamLinkt.

Documents can only be uploaded by team admins.

To Upload a Document from the App:

1. Go to the Connect (menu second from the right on the bottom) > Documents

2. Press Upload Document

To Upload a Document from the Web:

1. Log in to TeamLinkt at

2. Go to the Connect > Documents

3. Click Upload Document

4. Select whether you want the document to be viewable by the entire team, or just team admins, and add in a brief description for the document if you'd like. Then, drag/select the file and click Upload.

Once Uploaded, the document will appear in the documents section of the web, as well as the document section of the mobile app.

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