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Manage Team Members

Add/Edit/Delete players and coaches to a team

Jay Maharaj avatar
Written by Jay Maharaj
Updated over 2 months ago

Once you have created your team or have been added to a team with team administrative permissions, you will want to add your players and coaches to the team with you.

Player Type and Permissions

  • Team Admin: This provides that person with administrative permissions like manage events, rosters, statistics and more

  • Team Staff: Anyone marked as team staff will not appear for statistic entry or be included in the availability for the team

  • Player: These are the regular team players. Most members on the team will be marked as a player

Add Player from the app

Manual Entry

  1. Press the Roster tab and click the '+' symbol in the top right. Enter in the team member's information

  2. Select the type you want this team member to be and if they should have team admin permissions

  3. Review the information and click save

From the Web App:

Manual Entry

  1. Click Roster in the left menu.

  2. Hit the Add/Import drop-down in the top right corner and press Add Members.

  3. Enter in the team members information.

  4. Pick which permissions and team member type you want them to have

  5. Click Add

Alternative Approach

If your team is part of a league and they allow the team admins to manage the rosters, you can distribute the join code to your team members which can be found in the Rosters sections and click Add > Share Join Code. If your team is not part of a league, you will have access to the join code regardless.

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