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Add Player Stats

Record individual player stats for each league game

Jay Maharaj avatar
Written by Jay Maharaj
Updated over 2 months ago

Player stats that appear on the league website must be entered for each game once it is complete. Once the score is set and the game is marked as complete, player stats can be entered.

Entering Stats

  1. Navigate to Events > Scores in the menu bar

  2. Click Actions > Stats for the event you wish to enter stats for

  3. Enter in the individual player stats for each team. You can toggle between teams using the Dropdown

  4. Scroll down and click Save

Team Administrators can also enter in stats if you enable this season setting

Enable Team Admins to Submit Stats

  1. Click the Season Dropdown in the top left and click Settings

  2. Click Edit for your current season

  3. Locate Allow Teams to Submit Stats and set it to whomever you like

  4. Team admins should then be able to submit stats from the Team login or the mobile app

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