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Edit an Existing Season
Jay Maharaj avatar
Written by Jay Maharaj
Updated over a week ago

If you would like to edit an existing season, follow the instructions below.

  1. Click the season drop down in the top right corner.

  2. Ensure you are in the correct Organization and click Manage Seasons.

  3. You can then click Edit on any season you wish to edit.

The settings are as listed below:

Season Information

  • Name: The name of your season. This should be something descriptive to inform your members what the season is about.

  • Included on Organization Website: This settings shows or hides your season data (stats, standings, teams) from your public league website.

  • Archive Season: This will hide the season from your season drop down in the top right. It will also prompt all users in the app the hide their teams since the season has been archived. It will not automatically hide the teams for the players.

  • Sport: This is the default sport that your season is. This cannot be changed.

  • Season Dates: The dates that your season starts and ends.

    Team Management

  • Allow Teams to Submit Stats: This allows the team admin to submit stats from the app to the league so they get automatically populated.

  • Allow Team Admins to Manage Roster: This allows the team admin to add/remove players from the roster. It also enables the use of join codes when joining through the app. If this is disabled players cannot join the team using the App Join Code.

  • Allow Team Admins to Chat: This gives the team admins the ability to chat amongst each other. If this is enabled team admins from different teams can chat.

  • Allow Teams to Edit League Created Events (Private): This allows the team admins to edit events created by the league. These changes will not show in the league or for the other teams.

  • Allow Teams to Edit League Schedule (Public): This allows team admins to edit events created by the league and those changes will show on both the league and the other team. *Note* Events created in the app will not show up in the league. All league events must be created from within the league.

  • Team Invite Code: This is used to invite pre-existing teams to join your organization.

    Roster Management

  • Enable Vaccine Verification: This settings requires your team members to verify they are vaccinated.

  • Team Admin access to Vaccine Verification: This grants team admin access to view the vaccine verification.

  • Format of roster member names on public website: This changes the format of the team rosters when viewing from your league public website.

  • Hide Rosters for the selected groups: Pick which divisions you want hidden from the public website if your rosters are public.

  • Show Roster Contact Information: This setting shows or hides player contact information from other members on the team. Contacts will always be able to see the information of their player and other contacts attached to the same player. *Note* The team admin will be able to see this information at all times.

  • Hide Player Email: This will hide/show the player email.

  • Hide Player Phone: This will hide/show the player phone number.

  • Hide Player Address: This will hide/show the player address.

  • Hide Contact Email: This will hide/show the contact email.

  • Hide Contact Phone: This will hide/show the contact phone number.

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