Once you are finished adding teams and rosters to your league, you are ready to add events to your schedule. There are a few locations you can add events from including the Events page, Tournaments page, Playoffs page, Schedule Builder and Practice Schedule Builder. This will focus on the Events page.
Adding Events
Navigate to Events in the menu bar
Click Add/Import in the top right
Advanced Add Event will allow you to add a single event and make additional edits to the attributes
Add Events will let you add multiple events at once, but you can only adjust the teams, type, date, time and location of the event
Import Events will let you import events using a CSV. Ensure the CSV is formatted the same way the Sample Spreadsheet is
Add Organization Event will add an event that is league wide, it will appear for all teams and all teams can attend the event
Once you have added your events, you can edit the events by clicking the event Date or clicking Actions > Edit