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Mass Actions on Events

You can now edit the properties like time, day, duration, location, cancel, move, delete, etc of multiple events at once.

James Kiehn avatar
Written by James Kiehn
Updated over 3 months ago

This will be the easiest way for admins to change game times, change locations of games, change the length of games or practices, edit the duration of games, etc of multiple games at once.

Perform Mass Actions

  1. Navigate to Events

  2. Check off the event, or multiple events, that you are looking to update

  3. Click Mass Updates or Actions depending what you want to do (located at the top of the table)

  4. From there, if you click Actions you can delete the events. Or if you selected Mass Updates you can edit some key attributes

  5. These include changing the start date, start time, the status, location, duration, statistic type, max number of players.

  6. Once you have configured which attribute to change, click Update

Once you click update, the events are changed on your website, in the team app and if applicable teams are notified.

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