Once your registration has completed, you will need to roster your participants to your teams so they can use the App and for communications. This would also be required for tracking Statistics.
To Populate Rosters using the AI Rostering Tool:
Click Registration > Participants or select from the list of forms and click on Roster XXX Participants in the top right corner.
Next, you will need to click the AI Rostering button in the top right to configure your parameters for the rostering.
With this tool, you can set 4 parameters:
Group Participants By - Group Participants by the selected field in the dropdown (School Grade, Birthdate, Small Group Code, Payment Status, Position, Gender, City and ZIP/Postal Code.)
Split Participants On - This will let you split your participants based on the selected field.
Minimum Team Size - This will dictate what the minimum size of the team will be.
Maximum Team Size - This will dictate what he maximum size of the team will be.
Once you are finished, you can verify that each of the teams look correct by expanding them. If they look correct, you can click Save in the top right.