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Rostering Participants

Group and Filter your registrants and add them to teams.

James Kiehn avatar
Written by James Kiehn
Updated over a week ago

Once your registration is underway or has finished you can begin adding your participants to your team rosters.

  1. Click on the Seasons tab at the top.

  2. Hover over Registration and click on 'Participants'.

  3. Click the 'Roster X Participants' button in the upper right.

From here you can roster your participants from each registration group to any division / group / conference.

Click the participants name and drag them to the team you'd like to add them to. You can also move people already on a team to a different team in that division by dragging them to the desired team.

Click the Group By button in the upper right to separate your participants based on a field / question. Use the 'Details to Display' dropdown to choose what additional information you want to show beside each participant. You can also set your sorting for all unrostered participants here.

You can use the Filters to hide any participants who do no match the filter criteria. This used with the Group By settings helps you remain organized when rostering.

You can roster multiple participants to a team at one time using the checkboxes beside their name.

When you have completed rostering participants for a registration group or a division, click the Save in the upper right corner.

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